Trish is originally from Red Deer, Alberta, Canada but has been in San Antonio since 1995. She began ringing handbells in 2002 with the Lois Fritze Handbell Choir at University United Methodist Church where she also directs Elementary Chime Choir. She has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Alberta and worked as a Labor and Delivery nurse for 15 years in the Baptist Health System. She is married to Thomas and has three beautiful children.
Trish Kauhaahaa
Trish is originally from Red Deer, Alberta, Canada but has been in San Antonio since 1995. She began ringing handbells in 2002 with the Lois Fritze Handbell Choir at University United Methodist Church where she also directs Elementary Chime Choir. She has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Alberta and worked as a Labor and Delivery nurse for 15 years in the Baptist Health System. She is married to Thomas and has three beautiful children.