About Us

About Us

River City Ringers is a community handbell ensemble based in San Antonio, Texas. This all-volunteer group includes a diverse range of advanced-level ringers from across the Greater San Antonio area.

The group was founded in the summer of 2005 by dedicated directors and ringers who had long dreamed of establishing just such an advanced ensemble. Several of the founding members are still ringing with us today!

It is our mission to provide entertainment and education for the advancement of the art of handbell ringing.


River City Ringers currently plays two distinct concert seasons: Christmas and Spring. Each season, we perform a variety of free public concerts hosted by churches and community centers across San Antonio, featuring a diverse range of musical styles and techniques. We appreciate the support of our generous hosts!

River City Ringers is also available for private events. Please contact us for scheduling and more information.


River City Ringers is dedicated to engaging the wider community in musical education and handbell awareness. We’re always looking for opportunities to share our love of handbells! We have hosted events with schools, libraries, bell choirs, and age groups from elementary school to seniors. Let us know if you’d like to arrange an educational activity with your group.


River City Ringers is a designated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donations are appreciated (and tax-deductible!), to help support our mission.